As a young adult, you may be on a tight budget. But that doesn’t mean you have to eat ramen noodles every night! There are plenty of creative ways to save money on food and groceries without having to clip coupons. Because let’s face it: ain’t nobody got time for that! Learn more here: >>> Pin for later: >>> #savemoney #savemoneyonfood #grocerytips #shoppingtips #savingmoneytips #adulting #youngadults #askmamaj

Creative Ways to Save Money on Food as a Young Adult (Without Using Coupons!)

As a young adult, you may be on a tight budget. But that doesn’t mean you have to eat ramen noodles every night! There are plenty of creative ways to save money on food and groceries without having to clip coupons. Because let’s face it: ain’t nobody got time for that!

Here are a few tips on how to save money on food without couponing:

Plan your meals ahead of time. 

This will help you to avoid impulse purchases at the grocery store and save you money. When you plan your meals, be sure to consider what ingredients you already have on hand and what you need to buy. You can also use a meal planning app to help you stay organized.

Buy in bulk. 

If you have the freezer space, buying in bulk can save you a lot of money. Just be sure to only buy items that you will actually use before they expire. You can also split bulk purchases with friends or family members to save even more money.

Cook at home more often. 

Eating out is expensive. Cooking at home is a great way to save money and eat healthier meals. There are plenty of easy and affordable recipes available online and in cookbooks. You can also cook in bulk and freeze leftovers for later.

Take advantage of leftovers. 

Leftovers can be a lifesaver for busy young adults. When you cook a meal, make sure to make enough for leftovers. You can then pack them for lunch or dinner the next day. This will save you time and money, and it will also help you to avoid food waste.

Shop around for the best deals. 

Don’t just shop at the first grocery store you see. Take some time to compare prices at different stores. You can also check online for grocery deals. Many grocery stores offer weekly specials and coupons. You can also use a grocery store app to help you find the best deals.

Here are some additional tips for saving money on food and groceries:

Shop at ethnic grocery stores. 

Ethnic grocery stores often have better prices on fresh produce and other items than traditional grocery stores.

Buy ugly produce. 

Ugly produce is just as nutritious as regular produce, but it is often sold at a discount because it doesn’t look as pretty.

Join a community supported agriculture (CSA) program. 

CSA programs are a great way to get fresh, local produce at a discounted price.

Learn how to can and pickle your own food. 

Canning and pickling are great ways to preserve fresh produce and extend its shelf life. This can save you money on groceries, and it can also be a fun and rewarding hobby.

Start a food pantry or food swap with your friends and neighbors. 

This is a great way to share food and reduce waste.

Here are some specific tips for taking advantage of grocery stores and restaurants to save money:

Visit the grocery store at the end of the day. 

This is when managers are most likely to mark down items that are close to expiring. You can also find manager specials in the clearance section and on the end caps of aisles.

Look for manager specials. 

These are often unadvertised and can be found in different areas of the store. You can also ask a store employee if they have any manager specials.

At my local grocery store, Manager’s Specials are labeled with bright green stickers, so I am able to spot them easily! It helps to shop on the way home from work because those items probably won’t make it to the next day, and I don’t have to worry about freezing them or thawing them out because they are ready to cook and eat.

Ask about discounts. 

If you see an item that is close to expiring or that is damaged, ask a store employee if they can give you a discount. The worst thing they can do is say no, but more often than not, they will say yes of course!

Shop at multiple stores. 

Different stores have different pricing and specials. By shopping at multiple stores, you can compare prices and find the best deals.

This doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of extra time at different stores, but the more you become familiar with your local grocery stores, the more you will get a feel for what is good to buy and where. For example, I have 3 local grocery stores that are close to me. I know that one is a good place to find markdown produce, one has excellent meat specials, and one has delicious deli values. Depending on what I need I may shop at one over the other, or go to multiple ones since they are in close proximity to each other.

Use a grocery store app. 

Many grocery stores have apps that allow you to see their weekly specials and digital coupons (no clipping required!). You can also use these apps to create shopping lists and track your spending.

Look for early bird specials at restaurants. 

Many restaurants offer early bird specials for dinner. These specials are typically offered between 2pm and 6pm.

In our home, we jokingly refer to this as “Old People Dinner Time,” but don’t discount a discounted late lunch! Early dinners have become more popular among young people as well who are participating in intermittent fasting, so it might be a win-win.

Drink Water!

One of the easiest ways to save money on food is to order water instead of soda. Sodas can cost $3 or more, while water is free at most restaurants. And there’s even more good news: drinking water is better for your health than drinking soda.

Here are some of the health benefits of drinking water:

  • Water helps to regulate body temperature.
  • Water helps to transport nutrients to cells and remove waste products.
  • Water helps to lubricate joints and protect organs.
  • Water helps to improve skin health.
  • Water helps to boost energy levels and reduce fatigue.
  • Water helps to improve mood and cognitive function.

Drinking soda, on the other hand, has been linked to a number of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

In addition to being healthier, drinking water is also much cheaper than drinking soda. If you order water instead of soda every time you eat out, you could save hundreds of dollars per year.

Here are some tips for saving money on food by ordering water:

  • Ask for water instead of soda when you order your meal.
  • If you’re at a restaurant that doesn’t offer free water, ask for a glass of tap water instead of bottled water.
  • Bring your own water bottle with you when you go out. This way, you can always have water on hand and avoid having to buy it.

By following these tips, you can save money on food and improve your health at the same time. So next time you’re eating out, order water instead of soda. It’s a win-win!

Check for daily specials at restaurants. 

Many restaurants offer daily specials for lunch and dinner. You can usually find these specials on the restaurant’s website or social media pages. As you start paying attention to these, you can create a good money-saving routine that works for you. For example, our local Subway often offers a BOGO special on Fridays, so we often order Subway on that day.

Sign up for email lists from restaurants. 

Many restaurants offer discounts and coupons to subscribers on their email lists. So many places have birthday clubs as well that will let you redeem your offer the entire month of your birthday, so take advantage of those and benefit all month long!

Use restaurant apps. 

There are many restaurant apps that allow you to find deals and discounts. You can also use these apps to make reservations and order food online.

McDonald’s is a great example of a restaurant you can save tons of money by using the app. Not only can you skip the line, but you can take advantage of their many offers and earn points to redeem free food as well! One of my splurges is the McDonald’s sugar free iced coffee. In the restaurant, the coffee costs about $4.50, but in the app, it’s $0.99! That’s almost $25 saved weekly!


Saving money on food and groceries is important for everyone, but it is especially important for young adults who are on a tight budget. There are many creative ways to save money on food without having to coupon. By planning your meals ahead of time, buying in bulk, cooking at home more often, taking advantage of leftovers, and shopping around for the best deals, you can save a significant amount of money on food. You can also take advantage of manager specials at grocery stores and early bird specials at restaurants to save even more money.

By following the tips in this article, you can save money on food and groceries without having to sacrifice quality or taste. You can also be more mindful of your food spending and reduce food waste.

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Ask Mama J is an advice column for young adults who are just getting started in the real world. Mama J has seen it all, and she is here to offer advice on everything from finding a job to dealing with relationships to navigating the adult world.

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