About Ask Mama J | Adulting Help for Teens & Young Adults

About Ask Mama J | Adulting Help for Teens & Young Adults

Welcome to adulthood. You made it. Now what?!


Getting ready to strike out on your own for the first time, but have no freakin’ idea what you’re supposed to do next? 

Maybe your parents were too busy working or weren’t around to give you all the tools you needed to leave the nest.

Maybe you didn’t come from a traditional family, or life at home just wasn’t the best or most positive growing up. 

All your life you’ve been told you could be anything you wanted to be and do anything you wanted to do. And now, you’re being told the opposite, to “grow up,”  “get a real job,” and prepare for adulthood. 🤦🤷🤦‍♂️

Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, now does it?

You’re Right. It Doesn’t.

congrats!🎉 you’re one of us now.

Now, you’re suddenly supposed to know how to find a place to live, keep that place clean, shop and cook for yourself, further your education, find a job to make ends meet, start a career, pay bills, figure out what a credit score is, find love, and take care of yourself, all by yourself

All the while, you’re experiencing total freedom for the first time, and being able to DO all the things your parents told you NOT to do, and, let’s be real here: you’re probably about to embark on a journey of doing all of those things, amiright?

So, how does it all work? How do you juggle all the balls of grown-up responsibilities and having freedom at the same time? Is there any room for “fun” in this new life? Was all that talk about being anything you wanted to be and living the life of your dreams all just BS? 

Suddenly, there’s all this stuff you’re just supposed to KNOW. And you’re ON YOUR OWN. ALL ALONE. 

(no wonder grown-ups are always so stressed out, right?!)

But what if you had a…

to ask questions without judgment, where you could learn and grow and make mistakes?

of other young adults just like you, sharing what has worked for them, and what hasn’t?

to help build a foundation that will lead you to living the life you always dreamed of? 

🚀What if you could not just learn to fly, but SOAR?🚀

Hi, I’m Mama J. Think of me as your wacky aunt or your “bonus mom.” I’m here to help you figure out what you should be doing as you step out of the nest. 

I’m here to help you understand all the adult lingo and jargon, and WHY certain things are important. I’m here to help break down everything that sounds super scary to you right NOW, so that it will become second-nature to you. 

I’m here to help you worry LESS about how to perform basic adult tasks, so you can spend MORE time figuring out how to live a happy and healthy life, doing the things you want to do, surrounded by people who love and encourage you. 

  • Even if life has been unkind to you so far.
  • Even if you have been bullied, abused, or neglected.
  • Even if failure has never been an option for you.
  • Even if you think your life is already planned out.
  • And especially even if you barely survived childhood and adolescence and worry that you might not make it to 25. 

I’m here to tell you that it’s not just going to be OK, but it’s going to be AMAZING! Life doesn’t have to be what other people tell you it is. It can be the most fun and beautiful journey. You CAN live your dreams. You CAN land on your feet. But you can also fall flat on your face, and that’s actually good, too. The key is learning to pick yourself up and try again, or try something else. 

I’m here to help you write YOUR OWN story. 

Every week, I’ll address the struggles and issues that you’re facing right now. I’ll teach you the basics but also encourage and empower you to succeed and live your best life. I’ll be that kooky-but-kind bonus mom that you can look to in times of trouble and in times of need. 

There are no stupid questions. Forgive yourself right now for not knowing what you don’t know, okay? I’m here to cheer you on, help build your confidence, give you tough love when needed, and give you grace for making mistakes. Think of me as a really colorful set of training wheels…that you want to hug.  

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